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What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the awareness that arises by paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally with kindness, curiosity and openness

Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD. – Founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and UMass. Medical School Center for Mindfulness

mindfulness is

Mindfulness is simply a way of paying attention to things as they happen in the present moment, with an open-hearted curiosity towards yourself and your experience. With mindfulness, you bring your attention to your inner and outer experiences in the best way that you can. There is no striving to go somewhere, to feel something else, or to block things out. We slow down and pause, creating space to observe what is happening in the moment – in this space we may choose how to respond to our experience.

Mindfulness is like waking up from being on autopilot. Cultivating this ability to observe, without judgement, can help us to respond to our experiences with more clarity and rather than old habits, patterns or behaviors that many not be serving us well. We discover good information about how to live with more understanding and compassion in our life and make choices that are nourishing to ourselves and others.

It’s not yet another way to improve yourself or one more thing for your to-do list, and it’s not just meditation. Mindfulness is a ‘way of being’ or an ‘approach to life’ and can be practiced in both formal (meditations) and informal (actions, speech, behaviors) ways.

I am passionate about sharing mindfulness across the community. My work is to be a friend and guide to support others as they begin the discovery of what it means to turn toward and be present for their lives as they unfold moment to moment. Join me on this journey. ~ Angie

Learning Mindfulness

Choose the process that best suits what you need

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Courses

MBSR is the original evidence based 8-week mindfulness course founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn. It is delivered in a group setting over 8 weeks/9 sessions with teacher guided formal and informal mindfulness practices. The course empowers participants to cultivate awareness and presence with an accepting and compassionate attitude toward our internal and external experiences, and in the flow of daily living.

In person: Next 8-week MBSR Course starting in 2024, October 16 to December 4

When: every Wednesday, 7:00pm to 9.30pm HKT

Find out more here

Mindfulness workshops / short courses / corporate offerings

We can design workshops and short programs for your organization. Our short course programs enable participants to experience mindfulness meditation practice in the sessions as well as learning ways to bring mindfulness into their work and personal lives.

We can co-create programs and workshops to suit the needs of your organization or group of participants whether they are new to mindfulness or experienced practitioners. 

We have worked with leading corporate brands including HSBC, PUMA, many International Schools and Non-Government Organizations in Hong Kong.  

Contact Angie or submit an enquiry below

Mindfulness Matters for Children and Teenagers

Method Eine Snel programs

Today young people are often too busy, they can’t find time to slow down to just be. With a head full of busy and at times anxious thoughts, they are too easily distracted, often stressed and many have trouble sleeping. Practicing mindfulness can help calm their minds and bodies and creates inner strength in these times of stress or difficulty.

Our mindfulness courses are age specific programs of 8-10 week designed specifically for children and teenagers. We teach mindfulness through short meditations and breath work, games and activities, movement (yoga), and stories around the theme of each lesson, as well as home activities for the students and other family members.

Mindfulness matters

Go to our Mindfulness Matters page for more information about these courses

Currently we are only taking individual clients. If you are interested in mindfulness sessions for your child please register your interest with a small bit of background information. Angie will then follow-up with a call or message.

Inquiry form

For group programs contact us and we can refer you to other certified teachers offering group courses in Hong Kong. 

Train to Teacher Mindfulness for Children and Teenagers

Angie is the partner and lead trainer in Asia for the Academy for Mindful Teaching. Through the Hong Kong based Academy for Mindful Teaching Asia (AMT Asia) we offer 6-day teacher training courses for those  who would like to teach mindfulness to children aged 4 to 12 (Basic) and to teenagers 12 – 19 (AMT Extra), using the Method Eline Snel program (also known as Mindfulness Matters!), in schools, institutions, or in private practice.

Training is offered in person and online (1-2 times per year). To find out more about these courses you can refer here, or the AMT website.

Want to know more sign up to our newsletter for details of our FREE monthly introduction workshops

The next training offerings will commence in October 2024. Sign up to our newsletter to find out more about these courses and Free Introduction workshops.

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